
Many of our existing patients at Ilfracombe also work in Barnstaple and so our evening appointments provide an excellent extension to our existing services. If you require any further information regarding the treatment of pregnancy related conditions, the treatment of babies and related conditions or simply want to ask about something unrelated that we may be able to help you with please don’t hesitate to contact us. The process of being born can to varying degrees be traumatic in nature with some seeing the baby undergo a great deal of stress both physically and otherwise during delivery. You will learn the skills and receive the tools to start the program first day back at your practice.

  • How does surgery compare to sham surgery or physiotherapy as a treatment for tendinopathy?
  • Kope et al. stated that their nail-affixed device was cost-effective without mentioning its cost.
  • Moreover, due to the small size of the sensors, the placement of the device was reported to be easy.
  • His interests include muscle physiology, patient reported outcomes and prognostic indicators with conservative MSK care and the impact of contextual factors within manual therapeutic encounters.
  • The solution is simple, a small pillow or a rolled up towel placed in the low back with the purpose of maintaining the curve.

SMT, spinal manipulation; MOB, spinal mobilization; ICL, Index to Chiropractic literature; CINAHL, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature; TAM, Technology Acceptance Model; UTAUT, Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. M-AM and IP contributed to study design, literature search design and studies review, data extraction and charting, and wrote the preliminary version of the manuscript. PR contributed to the literature search and studies review, data extraction, and critically reviewed the final manuscript. MF contributed to study design, literature search review, and editing of the preliminary version of the manuscript. MD contributed to study design, literature search and studies review, overall supervision of the project, and critically review the final manuscript.

Factors Limiting Device Utilization

Equally though it may be many years before we feel the impact of how posture affects our body. Research shows that mobile phone use for texting, Facebook and internet browsing is building future problems, especially as the users are getting younger and younger. Newspaper articles in theTelegraghandDaily Mailhighlighted the impact of using mobile devices for too long on our posture and health.

The same 3D contact force component measurement system was used at the clinician-patient interface in three studies , and the recurring comment was that their device does not allow for small specific point of contact such as transverse and spinous processes. Harms et al. were the only authors to report about user-friendliness or versatility of a patient-table interface device. They mentioned that their instrumented couch is a versatile couch that can be used for many applications in the context of manual therapy. The social influence variable described in the UTAUT’s model corresponds to the users’ perception of others’ believing that it is important to use this technology. This was not captured in any of the themes in our study, suggesting that social influence might not play a significant role when researchers are choosing the technology to use to measure manual therapy forces.

The three studies by Waddington et al. aimed to design a device which would be comfortable for both the clinician and the patient as well as efficient. Waddington et al. believed that their mobilizing dynamometer could decrease clinicians’ risk of wrist and hand injury. In a subsequent study, in which they modified the device, they mentioned that their manual therapy dynamometer offered a good compromise between patient comfort and placement specificity . More specifically, they explained that the size of the rubber tip was greater than the contact area of the pisiform grip (i.e., SMT using the hypothenar region to contact the transverse process), but could still fit over a vertebra. In a third study, their modified dynamometer with a contoured soft rubber tip was found to be acceptably comfortable for the clinician and the patient .

Screening of the titles and abstracts resulted in the exclusion of 8,828 studies and an additional 132 studies were excluded after full-text screening. The reference list of the included studies was searched and yielded the identification of 6 additional original studies. The literature search was updated on June 30, 2021, and led to the identification of three additional articles fulfilling the inclusion criteria.

Centre for Evidence Based Hand Surgery

Metrologic properties for each device were then classified by type, and data were extracted whenever available. Exact sentences regarding facilitating or limiting factors were extracted when available. The two investigators met via teleconference to reach coding consensus and refine thematic categories.

  • This paper presents a methodology used to validate the feature-based representation which is based on the capture of designer’s intents related to functional, relational and volumetric aspects of the component geometry.
  • However, in both cases the measurements more appropriately reflect the device resolution, which corresponds to the smallest change in the measure that can be detected by the device.
  • Harms et al. mentioned that their mobilization couch adapted with load cells constitutes the first device to allow the clinician to deliver the therapy as usual .
  • I’ve had various treatments over the years including physiotherapy and acupuncture; however, I have never experienced such rapid and life changing improvements than after treatment from Dr Adam over the past 3 months.

Forty-six studies were deemed relevant and were included in this review (7–12, 15–54). The literature search also revealed seven literature reviews from which no additional original studies were identified (2, 6, 55–59). No additional facilitating or limiting factors were identified from the initially included reviews and, therefore, all reviews were excluded. Sensitivity is defined by Squara et al. as the quotient of the change in an indication and the corresponding change in the quantity intended to be measured.

REVIEW article

Devices measuring forces at the patient-table interface are therefore believed to allow SMT and MOB applications in a more clinically relevant manner, while contributing to the understanding of SMT/MOB biomechanics. Force-time characteristics of SMT and MOB measured by different devices have been summarized in previous reviews . However, pooling measures recorded by different devices might not be appropriate. Specifically, it has been shown that forces with specific characteristics measured at the clinician-patient interface present different characteristics than the ones measured simultaneously at the patient-table interface . Identifying and reporting on device characteristics in a comprehensive manner is therefore necessary to identify the most appropriate device for a specific purpose or the need to develop a new device.

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Healthcare professionals are well positioned by their training and skills to make a significant impact in improving walking ability and quality of life in people with LSS. Babies and children are also subject to the same stresses as adults on their spines. As just as you get their teeth check at an early age their spines also should be check regularly since they too suffer with the same problems that adults develop over time. Often when a new patient comes to our clinic and happens to have an infant or child receiving their adjustment, the common comment is “I didn’t know you treated children!” However, the spine is under stress from the moment of birth. Royal College of Physicians, British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine, The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Neurology and the Royal College of Occupational Therapists.


Van Zoest et al. mentioned that their hand palm-held device can be used on different parts of the body, which makes it versatile. Similarly, Smit et al. found the two force transducers device to be compact, easy to set up, to transport and to store. Moreover, due to the small size of the sensors, the placement of the device was reported to be easy. Tuttle and Jacuinde mentioned that their pressure sensors were easy to calibrate. Metrological/intrinsic properties were not reported as facilitating factors for devices at the patient-table interface (9, 10, 15–23, 25, 27, 32–36, 38, 42, 45, 53, 54). The Boot camp program is a multi-modal approach suited for practitioners who use manual therapy.

The primary aim of this scoping review was therefore to characterize the metrologic properties of devices used to quantify force-time characteristics during SMT and MOB. The secondary aim was to determine which factors may facilitate or limit the use of those devices in terms of research, clinical application and education. A pragmatic, prospective, longitudinal, observational study recording sympathetic nervous system skin conductance responses and patient reported outcome measure changes to a program of guideline-endorsed physiotherapy treatment for low back pain symptoms of up to 12 weeks duration. This would also allow for a formal evaluation of the acceptance and use of force sensing devices in the context of manual therapy, which would inform the selection of the device to be used in future studies, and the design of future force sensing devices. The literature search was initially conducted from inception to June 19, 2020, and yielded 11,415 references, of which 8,997 were screened after removal of duplicates.

Whenever possible, the use of an available device should be prioritized over developing a new one. This would allow resource-use efficiency, as well as measurement standardization across studies which, in turn, would facilitate combining data from different studies, and knowledge sharing. Cost and durability were not reported by authors as limiting factors for devices utilized at the clinician-patient (7, 12, 24, 26, 28–31, 37, 39, 40, 44, 46–52, 60) or at the patient-table interfaces (9, 10, 15–23, 25, 27, 32–36, 38, 42, 45, 53, 54). However, Waddington and Adams mentioned that instrumented plinth is quite an expensive solution in comparison to their device at the clinician-patient interface .

Harms et al. reported that the calibration of their instrumented couch showed suitable characteristics to measure SMT techniques. In a subsequent study , they mentioned that their couch was a valid tool to measure MOB forces applied to the lumbar spine, and that it is useful to record forces applied to a patient in a context of manual therapy techniques assessment. The characteristics of the included studies and both quantitative and qualitative data are reported in Supplementary Table 1 and visually presented in Figure 2. A total of 10 different devices measured SMT/MOB force-time characteristics at clinician-patient interfaces and 6 at patient-table interfaces. In light of the quantitative data, 37 (80.4%) studies reported at least one metrologic property (7–10, 12, 15–29, 31–34, 36–38, 40, 42–45, 47, 49, 50, 53, 54), with 16 (34.8%) reporting previously published results or referring to other studies . Although metrologic properties are important factors to consider when determining which device to use for measuring SMT or MOB force-time characteristics, other factors might facilitate or limit the use of a specific device.

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In other words, sensitivity corresponds to the change in the load measured by the device in comparison with the real load variation. In the studies included in this review, sensitivity was defined as the smallest measurement output change or as the minimal signal detectable over the noise inherent in the system . However, in both cases the measurements more appropriately reflect the device resolution, which corresponds to the smallest change in the measure that can be detected by the device. It is important to note that sensitivity can be measured throughout the measurement interval relevant for the context. How sensitivity varies throughout this interval refers to the linearity, which is, in fact, a mathematical property and not a metrologic one. Linearity was reported for three devices identified in this review, which all showed almost perfect linearity (r ≈ 0.99).

The qualitative data revealed that there has been very little empirical exploration of the factors potentially facilitating or limiting the use of these devices with most factors only based on the opinion of the authors. Few studies commented on the importance of the biomechanical or technical aspects of devices used at the clinician-patient interface. Kirstukas and Backman mentioned that using the polyester sensing film does not affect search and buy airline tickets with tron the biomechanical outcome of the technique. Kope et al. reported that their applied maximal pressure did not affect the sensors, nor did it saturate the data acquisition system of their nail-affixed device . Their device also allowed to record the total range of MOB forces with small deflections on the nail. Lee et al. reported that their water-filed pressure pad was adequate to measure MOB forces usually applied to the cervical spine.